Perfect Sound
Feel Around
(Dynamic Adaptive Audio)
Musician & KOL's Partners
Xiaoxue reached the Top 100 of "Voice of the Middle Age"! Celebrate her achievement with our limited edition signature headphones. Get yours now to support Xiaoxue's musical journey!
shop now: https://www.myauvi.com
We are thrilled to partner with a group of exceptionally talented musicians, celebrating the fusion of art and technology. Together, we will create groundbreaking experiences, support emerging artists, and push the boundaries of music and innovation.

Shops in Hong Kong
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Cosmic Technology chain store at Mongkok, Prince Edward, Sham Shui Po & Tsuen Wan.
Amazing chain store at Mongkok.
Comet chain store at Prince Edward & Wanchai.
Stage at Kwai Fong
M2K at Kwai Chung
Oversea's Shop
Shops in Taiwan:
Taipei, Taoyuan, Keelung City, TaiChung, Tainan & Kaohsiung (details refer to our Facebook)
Shops in Japan:
Roppongi - 2F MH Roppongi, 4-5-8 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 六本木校 〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木4-5-8 MH六本木2階 (www.theamericanguitaracademy.com)
A1 chipsets - Solution Creates Products


AUVI, is a company founded by technologists and musicians. We have a proprietary algorithm and core technologies in hardware and software to provide revolutionary and reliable wireless streaming solutions.
We developed our proprietary algorithm that can upgrade music. It is the reason why we have developed the product for a great brand like AR, partnership
With Spotify.
HQ is located in HK, invested by HKUST and FHKI, with a branch office in China and Canada. Team with Doctorate, Master, and Bachelor Degrees, have a passion to make superior audio products and apps that make it available for everyone to listen to their favorite songs with superior quality the way it was meant to be heard.

A new high-quality product that ushers you into a new era in entertainment. With a unique music source, AUVI can link you to an infinite music world. You are free to share your favorite music across the globe with your friends.
A series of superior audio products for music, games, and health.
Create a new AI-based ecosystem that allows people to enjoy superior quality music and communicate in a different language, with crystal clear audio, anytime and anywhere.

AUVI utilizes core technologies in hardware and software to provide revolutionary and reliable wireless streaming solutions.
Our powered Dynamic Adaptive Audio technology and the unique app help to minimize the distortion of music quality during the transmission from online to offline.
01 / FAST
Our platform can be implement in any Linux, ARM, MIPS platform, that provide feasibility in adapting various platform
Our software embedded our algorithm to encrypt the signal packets, allowing music content embed their license content in our firmware.
03 / EASY
With our one-stop shop service platform that provides hardware design, software design, and app.
With our own module, just easy to plug-in your product with all features




Our Partner's Artist
Be a Top 100 of "Voice of the Middel Age"
Celebrate her achievement with our limited edition signature headphones.
June, 2024
Partner with the band
- MIS collaboration
Collaborate with Limited Edition with the signaturesearbuds
December, 2023
Partner with band - Rosemances
We have successfully increased 100 followers
May - September, 2024
We sponsor HKUST & City-U
Danso Team for their activities
Sponsorship Collaboration to expand our branding
May 14, 2020
Innovation & Technology Program nominated by HKUST & Foshan City
We are pleased to informed that an investment company formed by a number of leading members of Federation of Hong Kong Industry that focus on Innovative and Technology in HK has completed the investment in the angel round of AUVI.
June 07, 2018
Federation Hong Kong of Industries
We are pleased to informed that an investment company formed by a number of leading members of Federation of Hong Kong Industry that focus on Innovative and Technology in HK has completed the investment in the angel round of AUVI.
February 15, 2017
Membership of Federation of Hong Kong Industries
We are become a member of Federation of Hong Kong Indistries
February 22, 2017
STARS Programm of Hong Kong Start Up Council
we enrolled to join the STARS Programme launched by the Hong Kong Startup Council of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries. Today we were informed that we are selected as one of the eight teams in this first round of programme.
Sep 10, 2018
Champion of the Asia Hardware Battle
We won the Asia Battle Champion in Shanghai Station, organised by TechNode
Apr 14, 2019
Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Spring) Edition
we are at 3G-C34
We attended the HKEF show at 3G-C34. Please come to visit us and found our branded customer product.
AR-M200 HiFi Digital Audio Player.
Mar 12,2018
HKUST Sxl 2018, Startups and Investors
HKUST organize an investor-startups mingling event for the awardees on 4 Dec (Tue) in HKUST, with angel inventors, VC and senior management from HKUST to be invited. This is a good opportunity to present the startup to potential investors and seek their investments.
Jun 16,2017
香港科大內地生校友會聯合香港科大藍海灣孵化港, 共同舉項目路演
香港科大(BLUE BAY) 成立于2016年底, 此次科大內地生校友會(HKUSTMAA)聯合BLUE BAY 強聯手共同舉項目路演
Jun 13,2017
SZ UST 聯合舉辦: 为贯彻落实克强总理“大众创业,万众创新”指示精神,推进前海市场化、国际化、法治化发展,在梦工场打造具有前海特色的创业生态,梦工场事业部应香港青协邀请,拟联合深圳青联、深圳广电集团等单位举办世界青年创业论坛2017 前海站活动.
Aug 24,2016
IoT Wearables Demo Day
Wearable IoT World (WIoTW) hosted its Demo Day in Hong Kong on August 25th 2016 featuring the inaugural Summer 2016 class of 12 startups that have reached the finish line of WIoTW Labs’ inaugural U.S.-Pan Asia IoT Superhighway Accelerator program.
May 8, 2016
Exhibition of One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition in FYTRI(Nansha)
We attended the Grand Final of Guangzhou One Million Dollar International Entrepreneurship Competition which held by HKUST.We attended the Grand Final of Guangzhou One Million Dollar International Entrepreneurship Competition which held by HKUST.
May 18, 2017
Stars Pitch - Start Up Council of FHKI
Hong Kong Startup Council, under auspices of Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI), launched the STARS Programme earlier this year. Start-ups selected for the STARS Programme will join the mentorship programme, and have the opportunities to explore industrial and go-to-market partnership. These selected start-ups will present their innovative ideas on “Internet of Things” at HKTDC Entrepreneur Day.
Tel: 852 2357 1840
Business: Hong Kong Headquarter
5/F, The Quayside,
77 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, KLN
Business: Europe Office
Freinsheimer Str. 4
D 67227 Frankenthal, Germany
Business: Canada Office
1285 West Broadway, Suite 600
Vancouver, BC
V6H 3X8
3604, Entrepreneurship Centre, Clear Water Bay, HKUST
Mainland China:
4105, 41F HKUST BlueBay, CFC Building, No.5 Shihua RD, Futian Bonded Zone, SZ PRC.
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